Monday, May 9, 2011


We did a little gardening this past weekend. And by "we" I mean our usual approach where Clay does all of the work while Maggie and I supervise.

Friday, May 6, 2011

New spring wardrobe

Maggie has been sporting a couple of fresh new looks this spring. First up is her new yellow honey bee collar, which matches cousin Teacup's (because Maggie wants to do everything her glamorous older cousin Teacup does).

At puppy class they also gave Maggie this snappy new red harness. We were a tad skeptical at first but it is actually fantastic. She pulls a lot less on it while we're out walking and when she does pull there's no danger of her ripping her own throat out as she springs for a squirrel.

Alas, neither has pockets, but all in all a well dressed young lady, don't you think?