Saturday, March 26, 2016

New patio

A huge part of planning Clay's surprise party involved getting the back patio project done before his birthday. As it happened the contractors showed up to start working the week Clay was in Germany, but I was so desperate to get it done I didn't even care. They did in fact get it done and we are loving it!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Clay's surprise party

We had a big surprise party for Clay's birthday!  I was sure he would find out or at least be suspicious, but he was completely surprised and it was a really fun evening with a lot of great friends and family.

It was spring break that week, so the boys ran a lot of errands with me:

Henry was kind enough to use the leaf blower on the new patio for me:


Clay is awesome!

Monday, March 7, 2016

JCD 3rd birthday party

JCD is three!  We celebrated with friends and classmates at the Thinkery, and he was excited and looking forward to his party for weeks.

At three JC is super sweet and funny little guy. He has always been a big talker and is now voicing a lot more of his own thoughts, rather than just repeating things he's heard. He loves to play with Henry, but also will go do his own thing if he feels like it. He loves toys and treats and can sniff out sweets or snacks like a bloodhound. He will tell us things they talked about at school and talks about his friends, etc, which is always fun to hear. He is doing great in swimming and in general gets along with everyone, as long as they don't take something that he wants!  He still naps pretty well in the afternoons but going to bed a little later thanks to sharing a room with Henry. He is the cutest thing ever and we love watching him and hearing what he has to say...

Happy birthday!!