Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy Friday!

A couple of iPhone shots from the week:

Have a great weekend!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Two months old!

Henry had his two month check up yesterday and they confirmed that he is, in fact, a big baby. No surprise there! He did great with the nurse and the doctor and even handled his four shots reasonably well.

He weighs 14 lbs!

Maggie also went to the vet a week or so ago for some routine beauty work and at nine months she is 15 lbs 4 oz.

Better watch out, Mags, he's gaining on you!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy Friday!

Let's just pretend we are all always this clean and happy (and dressed).

I'm not sure Henry's buying it, though...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

And why wouldn't he?

Admiring himself in the mirror...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Crown molding

Today we interrupt our obnoxious mommy blogging in favor of wannabe interior design blogging. Over the Fourth of July weekend, while not marching in parades or eating the best BBQ in Texas, Clay and Greg spent the weekend putting up crown molding. They did two bedrooms at Greg's house and the two living areas in our house. It looks fantastic and took three times longer than their original estimate, so all in all a completely professional job.

Here is the final result in our living room. It's not the greatest photo ever but I couldn't focus on the ceiling any more without cropping out the beagle (clearly not an option):

Just for fun, here's what the room looked like when we bought the house:

We also finally wrapped up the nursery, a mere seven weeks after Henry was born. We weren't sure which poster to frame until we knew if we were having a boy or a girl, and then the framing took awhile. Anyway here it is, complete with baby (and beagle):

Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Friday!

A couple of photos from the past week:

Henry got to hang out with his new buddy David! David is exactly five weeks younger than Henry and absolutely adorable.

I promise he was in a perfect swaddle and on his back when I put him down.

And here's hoping for lots of this over the weekend...