Friday, July 26, 2013

Happy Friday!

At a little over four months John Clayton is rolling, chattering and in general a happy little guy. He sucks his thumb, which is super sweet, if a bit of a bad habit. And along with the rolling came the sleeping on his stomach, almost immediately. He does a great job sleeping in his crib at night and he and Henry both nap in the late afternoon, which is helpful. He'll usually sit in his Bumbo with us during dinner, and it's nice to have everyone together for at least a couple of minutes.

Henry is also chattering away, with actual words and sentences. Here are a few of his thoughts and insights lately:

"I'd like that one milk"
"Daddy sleep in mama's bed"
"The camera is way up high" (lots of things are way up high, it turns out)
"Airplane!  I don't see it Airplane."
"I climb up Henry's stool"
"Daddy's seatbelt" (when looking at Clay's regular belt)
"It's mama's baby John"

He's a busy little guy, and we've been enjoying summer treats like popsicles and ice cream. He eats a lot of broccoli and fruit, and his honey yogurt at breakfast is a highlight of the day. Everything else is hit or miss -- one day he'll eat a whole sandwich and the next day he'll take one bite and decide he's over it. He's still a big fan of Elmo, and we watch Nemo and Cars sometimes, too. He also likes trains and can name all of the cars in his train book.

Here he is, doing a little shopping:

He was SO excited about an Elmo birthday party:

Hanging out on John's spot:

Passed the heck out:

Soy muy fuerte:

Tubby time!

Both weigh about 17 lbs right now:

Henry loves to help Clay cook, but doesn't always follow directions as well as one might hope:
Have a great weekend!

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Princeling

In honor of Royal Baby Day, here is our little princeling:

See Henry's photos here, and Lit's photos here.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Happy Friday!

Clay had some time off of work, so we took advantage and made quick trips to Houston and Dallas.

Here we have Henry and Bunny arriving at our friends' house in Houston. Henry marched right up like he owned the place:

Dinner with friends:

Christian, Preston, Riley, Henry and John:

Next up was a train ride with Mojo and the cousins. Henry was old enough to enjoy the ride:

And then we were off to Mamie and Papa Gene's house. John Clayton and Papa Gene are best buddies...they love to hang out together:

Celebrating the running of the bulls. Note that Henry does not like to sit by John for photos:

We've gotten some rain lately, which has been nice. Henry, being Clay's kid, doesn't mind the wet/cold at all. Mamie, on the other hand...

John Clayton rolled over at Mamie's house!  From front to back, and then two days later from back to front. And then back again. And then back yet again...

We've been trying to have a small settee recovered with cowhide, which it turns out to be a complicated and long-term project. Here we are shopping for cowhide:

The finished product!

Just hanging out at home:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Happy Friday!

Playing ball:








Tongue-sticking outing:










Finding his feet!

Helpers, helpers and more helpsers:

Rolling (almost! so close!):

Snared by that rabbit again!

First chopsticks:

First fortune cookie:

Popsicles! Sadly this one met a tragic end just a few seconds later:

Petting Maggie:

"I wear Mama's swimsuit."
Have a great weekend!