Friday, June 20, 2014

Happy Friday!

First trip to Buckees!

Charlie gets to visit school:

School picnic at the capital (on Hayes' and Henry's birthday!)

Both are very into trains these days:

Grocery shopping after church:

Memorial day cookout:

Henry sets the table. He is in charge of the napkins every night, and the pink one is his favorite. He likes to lay it out like a placemat the way they do at school:

"New" bed!

Wisdom teeth are out:

Unexpected visitor:

Henry pronounced "blue Clifford" "Splendid!"

Super fun visit from the cousins:

Happy Father's Day to Clay!

Checking out MoJo's new car!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Three years and 15 months

We had a joint doctor appointment the other day -- Henry's three year check-up and John Clayton's 15 month. Each got a clean bill of health!

At three Henry is getting taller and seems so thin!  He is chatty and generally very happy and pretty easy going. We've taken the side off of his bed and he's learned to use the restroom, so there have been a lot of changes underfoot.  He hated swimming lessons the first day, and then turned around and loved it -- by the end of the week he was the most enthusiastic one in the class. He still enjoys Thomas the Train (and Annie & Clarabel), both the trains/tracks as well as the show. Yard work and ladders are also still big favorites. He eats a pretty decent variety of foods, but PBandJ seems to be the favorite these days.

John Clayton is all over the place these days as well!  He does his best to keep up with Henry and is also into trains, toys, and anything else someone else is playing with. He sings "Giraffe, Giraffe" all of the time and  in addition to his words does a lot of communicating -- goes to the fridge when he wants milk, etc. He recently got his four molars which was super painful and made for some some cranky days, but he pulled through it. He always wants to be held and gets pretty sad when you put him down. He's a great eater and usually eats whatever the rest of us are having. I try to keep him away from the sweets and junk food, but if Henry's having something you can bet this guy wants some, too!  He gives kisses, which is super sweet, and loves to point to Clay and say Daddy. He is also Maggie's biggest fan, and stops to pet her or just sit down by her all of the time.

Swimming lessons 2014

Swimming lessons! Both boys screamed bloody murder on the first day, as is tradition. But by the middle of the week, Henry was starting to enjoy it and by the end of the week I could barely keep him out of the water. He's using his legs and even starting to use his arms just a little bit. He can swim a couple of yards, grab the side of the pool or the ladder, and climb out. He loves ladders in general, so his favorite thing is to swim to one and climb up.

Poor John Clayton didn't think much of swimming, but he was a good sport and got through it!

Here they are on the first day, all happy and optimistic before the screaming began:

After the first lesson:

Mid week:

Last day!

Last day of school

June 2014:

First day of school, August 2013: