Tuesday, January 31, 2012

8 months

Little Henry Hollis is eight months old! He's still doing a lot of crawling, pulling up and cruising, getting faster and braver all the time. His two front Christmas teeth are most of the way in and he's not afraid to use them on Clay and me.  We say "no biting!" a lot which is nothing new since we spent a year telling Maggie the same thing. Other common phrases around here are "Stay out of Maggie's pen, please," and "So you didn't want to nap today, huh?"

We're just starting to work on some finger foods, and so far have tried Cheerios, avocado and asparagus. Picking up tiny pieces of food and getting them all the way to your mouth is really hard -- there's always a knuckle or something that gets in the way and sometimes if you let go too soon it just falls in your lap and makes a mess. An awful lot of trouble for a piece of vegetable, honestly.

Also, it took exactly one serving of Cheerios before Maggie learned to camp out under the high chair.

At the end of the day when I hear Clay at the door I always get excited and say "Who's here!?" -- Maggie has understood for awhile now and always goes running for the front door. Henry has caught on and he stops what he's doing and goes hauling off toward the door with a big smile on his face, too. More or less the cutest thing ever. He LOVES his daddy!

And speaking of the cutest thing ever:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Friday!

The grass is always greener:

Graduated from the sink to the bath tub:

More laundry:

More bath time:
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

While I was away

I snuck off to St. Louis last weekend for Melissa's baby shower and left the dependents at home with Clay. Here is a sampling of the photos he sent me while I was gone.

My baby running away from home:

My puppy passed out in the yard, having given up on life:

My baby playing with power tools. Wearing Christmas PJs:

In all seriousness, Clay and MoJo did a great job and everyone was in perfect condition when I got back. In fact, I'm not sure that the little ones noticed I was gone. I'm pretty sure Clay did, though, so that's something...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy Friday!

Shopping for the new high chair:

Assembling the new high chair:

Enjoying the new high chair:

LLB Designs has been really busy lately...even the intern is exhausted:

Maggie annoyed that Henry gets to tear up a piece of paper and she doesn't (although she ended up with it eventually):

They say in the books it's important to make meal times fun and clearly I am doing a great job:

Lots and lots of baby food:

It's ok it's not a real fur stole:
Have a great weekend!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Such fame!

For those of you that aren't devoted readers of The Alcalde, UT's alumnae magazine, our very own Henry and Maggie were featured (ok listed) in this past issue...

Hook 'em!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Friday!

Grabbing a sammich at Jimmy Johns:

Quick trip to the doctor for a booster:

New obsession with windows:

Snack time:

Prefers to hold the little balls rather than watch them ride on the Ferris wheel (creative or control freak? You decide.):

Loves the laundry!

Maggie at her Beagle Brigade holiday party, waiting for her turn to choose her gift in the gift exchange:

Nap time:

Crate time:


Playing at the park:

Green beans (this was actually a relatively successful meal, all evidence to the contrary):

Cold front!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

7 months

Henry turned seven months old over the holidays! He is is crawling all over the place and pulling up on anything and everything he can get his hands on. He's pretty steady on his feet standing and holding on to something but every once in a while gravity will get the best of him, particularly when he forgets about steps or lunges at Maggie, who knows enough to get out of the way.

He loves eating his fruits and cereals, and tolerates some veggies (carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans) and hates others (green peas). He is also not a big fan of meats but we're working on it. He'll also eat the little infant crackers and we've just started giving him a little bit of water in a sippy cup to practice with. Because apparently we like picking it up off the floor and mopping up water. We spend a lot of time talking about our nap schedule and at least some time actually napping.

Here he is in one of his cute new outfits he got for Christmas, along with his Build-A-Bear Puppy (Build-A-Puppy?) Hollis...