Tuesday, January 31, 2012

8 months

Little Henry Hollis is eight months old! He's still doing a lot of crawling, pulling up and cruising, getting faster and braver all the time. His two front Christmas teeth are most of the way in and he's not afraid to use them on Clay and me.  We say "no biting!" a lot which is nothing new since we spent a year telling Maggie the same thing. Other common phrases around here are "Stay out of Maggie's pen, please," and "So you didn't want to nap today, huh?"

We're just starting to work on some finger foods, and so far have tried Cheerios, avocado and asparagus. Picking up tiny pieces of food and getting them all the way to your mouth is really hard -- there's always a knuckle or something that gets in the way and sometimes if you let go too soon it just falls in your lap and makes a mess. An awful lot of trouble for a piece of vegetable, honestly.

Also, it took exactly one serving of Cheerios before Maggie learned to camp out under the high chair.

At the end of the day when I hear Clay at the door I always get excited and say "Who's here!?" -- Maggie has understood for awhile now and always goes running for the front door. Henry has caught on and he stops what he's doing and goes hauling off toward the door with a big smile on his face, too. More or less the cutest thing ever. He LOVES his daddy!

And speaking of the cutest thing ever:

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