Wednesday, February 29, 2012

9 months

Henry is 9 months old! He is all over the place these days, crawling and climbing as much as he can. He's getting more and more brave with his standing and cruising. He chatters a lot, and we hear lots of mamamamas and dadadadas and bababababs but no actual words yet, as far as we can tell. He loves peek-a-boo, and is starting to recognize our names when we say "Where's Maggie?" or "Where's Daddy?" Henry eats five times a day, nursing twice a day, two meals of solids with bottles and one bedtime bottle. He's getting much better at feeding himself and snacks on Cheerios and puffs really well, but doesn't get too adventurous with any of the other finger foods just yet. Henry already has six teeth!  The bottom middle two and the top middle two, plus two more on the top that are just coming in.

He loves playing outside and gets annoyed when Maggie gets to go out on rainy days and he doesn't. The stacking rings, blocks and cups are always favorite toys, and he's also gotten good at pushing cars (and really anything else that he gets his hands on) along the floor. We've made the switch to a convertible carseat, just in time for a long road trip to Louisiana. He's also got a super pretty head of hair, with some curl in the back. Business in the front, party in the back, as Clay said. These photos don't do it or his big smile justice...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Showing off

Although he is quite accomplished for 9 months, don't you think?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Friday!

Here are some highlights from our recent goings on:

Lunch with buddy David:

Admiring the local wildlife:

We've been traveling a lot lately!  Here is Henry fastening his saftey belt, as per the nice flight attendant's instructions:

Teacup loving on Clay:

Henry loving on Teacup:

Teacup and Lit loving on each other:

View from the road:

Henry's fancy new carseat:

Washing up:

Saving some for later:

Reorganizing the closet:

The approach:

The attack:

And lastly, a quick video:

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The adventures of Henry and Lit

Chapter 1: Introducing Lit to the torture of photoshoots...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Baby Lit

Travis Littrell Stromblad
8:55 p.m.
11 lbs, 1.9 oz

We got to go visit Melissa and Mark's new baby Lit in St. Louis this past week and he is just perfect!  Here are a few photos of his first few days...