Sunday, May 4, 2008

LL's swank office

I mentioned last week (the day after the Masters of the Universe Party) that LL had to go into work for a few hours. Well, I decided I would go with her and take the camera, just so that I could share with everyone how much she rocks.

This is her nameplate. W14308...aka the Eagle's Nest. It's where the big decisions are made.

Here she is indulging me and pretending to type. Obviously she doesn't actually type that often since it is faster to dictate to someone from her support staff. And I guess she also really, really likes m&m's...I had no idea!

Here are some of her awards. The crystal cube is one she got after helping EY land a huge customer. EY technically isn't giving out these kinds of awards anymore, but exceptions can be made in extreme circumstances. We also see a shot of a photo of her daddy posing with a Simpons character at a 7-11 in Dallas (her dad is the one on the right).

Here she is in a fancy boardroom. Nice view!

And this is a facsimile of how an action shot would probably look during an important meeting, such as the aqusition of a multi-billion-dollar, multi-national corporation, which she'll agree to handle if it's enough billions.

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