Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Braley visits!

Braley the bride came for a visit a couple of weeks ago, and we had a fantastic time shopping for wedding dresses, sightseeing, and of couse visiting the Golden Gate Bridge:

LL and Braley

A Viszla family we met along the way...

Viszla puppy, 4 months old. Cute! Side note: Apparently this was his second 2-hour walk of the day. We have been considering a Viszla puppy but doesn't 4 hours of walks a day seem a little overly ambitious? Thoughts?

It ended up being quite a hike

Clay admires the bridge

LL and Clay

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you're blogging again! Looks like a fun visit. When are you guys coming here???
    My brother has a Viszla and she is the best ever. I don't think he ever took her on a walk that lasted more than 15 minutes! :)
