Friday, January 11, 2008

LL and Caleb

NOTE: These Posts have been shuffled a little bit. Alert blog reader Ted (smartest intern ever) informed me that I can effectively rewrite history if I want and change Post dates at will. So I have make sure they are all in chronological order. Schwew!

Today**, LL went to Dallas for some work training, which I'm sure was thrilling for everyone involved. But, while she was there, she got to see her new cousin (er...once removed) Caleb just a couple days after he was born.

This is LL, holding Caleb, and Lynette, Caleb's mom.

We've also got this close-up of Caleb taking a snooze in Leslie's (LL's mom) arms. He's little!

** See how it says "Today, ..."? Well it's not really today. It was like 10 days ago. But Ted has unshackled me from such constraints. I'm even thinking of showing you all how I predicted the score of yesterday's Giants/Packers game way back in December!

1 comment:

  1. In the "Post Options" you can change the date of the post so that it falls in the right spot (or change the date of the previous one so it falls in the right spot).
