Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Grillin with Bart

Saturday, Bart invited us over to grill some burgers at his and Liz's place. We always say yes to these invitations because we don't have a grill of our own.

Mmmmm...burgers. Liz actually prefers to eat vegetarian most days, but she was out of town. This means we made three of the biggest fattest burgers you can imagine. They were good.

There's Bart, manning the grill, and LL, enjoying the deck. Isnt' the deck at their place awesome. It's up on the roof of the condo they own in Palo Alto. In the (whited out) background is part of the Stanford campus.

This is the wine we were having as kind of a small celebration of my completion of the Masters requirements. We got the wine for Christmas from LL's brother Lawson, and we'd been saving it for a special occasion. The wine was very good a bottle as I've had in the past couple years. It was recommended by the sommelier at Commanders Palace in New Orleans where Lawson works.

Note about the Masters: As of today (when I checked online to see that I indeed passed the one class I had last quarter), I'm at least guaranteed not to leave Stanford empty handed. I still have a few classes left and some publishing to do to complete the PhD requirements, but it's nice to feel like I'm making some progress.

We left Bart's with a few vegetables. See what he does, Liz? You leave town and Bart gives away all the vegetables and eats hamburgers.

Actually, Bart and Liz get a box of fresh vegetables every week from local farmers. LL and I are always happy to take a little off their hands when they get more than they need. This week we were the proud recipients of a Leek, some rutabagas, and something that might be lettuce.

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