Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sushi Night...a week ago

Sorry, but we've gotten a little behind with the blog. You might think this is because we are busy or something like that, but the truth is that I just wasn't all that inspired to write anything. Actually, I'm not very inspired right now either, but I think it's important to go ahead and just get this stuff up anyway. It's not "writer's block" (employing a liberal interpretation of the word "writer"), it's just "writer's blah" (straightforward interpretation of "blah"). ready for some uninspired blogging? You're going to go through with it, even though I'm telling you ahead of time that it's not going to be very good? Actually, I'd really appreciate it if you would. I mean if you think reading an uninspired post is tough, you should try writing one! You'll spend 5 minutes reading something that's not very good. I'm going to spend 30 minutes writing something that's not very good. Much harder. :)

Well, last Saturday, Liz and Bart invited us over for sushi. It was fun. They also invited another couple, Jeremy and Anita, who were both fun. Liz did all the preparing, though Bart, as is custom, was probably put in charge of something that Liz was sure he couldn't mess up. Whatever the logistics, it all worked out to the benefit of my stomach (more in the beauty-on-the-inside sense rather than the beauty-on-the-outside sense).

Here is the table set with miso soup and a big plate of vegetable tempura.

A little later on we started on the actual sushi part. We mostly just made rolls, though after a while I got pretty gluttonous with the huge plate of raw salmon and tuna. L&B bought it from Cooks Seafood (ironic right?), a local place here in Menlo Park, and it was as good as any sushi-grade fish I've had. I don't know how much they paid for it, so I can't give you any hints on the relative cost of eating sushi out vs. making it yourself. Of course, the relative cost of drinks is pretty predictable, and we saved a lot on that front.

Here's Bart and Anita. Liz was sitting to Bart's fact all of the couples were sitting together "as couples", but I split them up in the pictures by accidentally starting out in an off-by-one manner. Actually, this is the sort of indexing problem that plagues all of my efforts to write software.

So next over are Jeremy and LL. You might be thinking that she reminds you of My Favorite Martian, but those are really just chop sticks. She likes to dress in theme.

Last is Me and Liz. Check out my "Okie doke" shirt. LL's sister, Melissa, got it for me for Christmas. Isn't it cool?

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